Property owners and landlords hope for tenants who pay their rent on time, never damage anything within the rental property, and whom always comply with the lease agreement. Unfortunately, this does not always turn out to be the case. When a tenant damages your rental property, it is important to act fast and cover all bases to protect yourself legally and financially. It is also important to understand the rules governing landlord-tenant law, why the damage occurred, and how it can be prevented in the future. In most circumstances, hiring a professional property management company to manage said rental properties can be extremely valuable to landlords who don’t have the time, ability, or desire to handle the damages alone.

Record All Damage

As a landlord, the first step you should always take when damage is done to your property is to carefully document everything. This applies to the times a tenant has recently vacated your property after a lease agreement has expired, during any repairs, and right before you rent the property out again to a new tenant. You should also take photographs and compile written descriptions of the property’s condition and any new or existing damage beyond normal wear and tear. It is imperative to always have a clear record of all damage caused by a tenant occupying one of your rental properties.

When documenting damaged property, be sure to include the following:

  • Multiple photos of the damage from all angles.
  • A video walk-through of damaged rooms or appliances if possible.
  • Written details with measurements of the extent of the damage.
  • The tenant’s admission or acceptance of the described damage (when feasible).

Additionally, make sure to document any/all contact and conversations between you and the tenant. These things are vital to have if a dispute arises over the damages with the tenant.

Review the Lease Agreement

Previously our team detailed out what makes a good lease agreement. A quality and comprehensive lease agreement should clearly state guidelines for fault, payments, security deposit usage, and damage that breaks the lease agreement altogether. It is possible that extensive or long-term issues caused directly by the tenant, or through their improper use or neglect of the property, could be grounds for eviction.

Most landlords or property owners also outline what types of damage constitute regular wear and tear that is acceptable at the end of the lease term. It is nearly inevitable that any person living in a house or apartment will eventually cause some minor damage over time. It is important to differentiate this from more severe damage that requires more complicated, and expensive, repairs in your lease. If you work with a property manager, it’s always best to rely on their expertise when drafting lease agreements to make sure you don’t omit essential information.

Get Quotes for Repairs in Writing

Whether the lease agreement stipulates that you or the renter is responsible for the repairs, all quotes for the parts and labor should be clear and in writing before the work commences. Written quotes are all part of the documentation process that proves the financial aspect of tenant-caused damage. It’s also a good idea to have the following:

  • A trusted list of cleaning and repair professionals you use consistently.
  • Scheduled appointments with tenants before and after they rent your property.
  • A property manager that knows the local rules regarding tenant-landlord law.

Many property management companies work closely with maintenance professionals, electricians, plumbers, and other service companies and usually have worked out a contracted rate with them. It’s always easier getting quotes from professionals you can trust and know will do an exceptional job.

Use the Security Deposit for Repair Costs When Applicable

Before any tenant moves into a rental property, a security deposit is typically collected as assurance against damage and other problems that occur during the lease period. It’s important to remember that this money was collected for a reason and can be used toward approved repairs. It’s generally easier to use the tenant’s security deposit funds rather than sending a bill to the tenant to pay after they have vacated the rental property. Be sure to itemize specifically how the funds are being used.

The rules that surround security deposits and using them for repairs depend on the state in which the property is located, as well as the terms agreed upon in the lease agreement. If you discover the damage at the end of a lease agreement don’t simply use these funds on personal items like natural hair products or entertainment items, instead try to use these funds if necessary repairs must be done. You will also want to do a complete inspection comparing the state of the property before the lease, to the state of the property after the tenant has vacated, in order to determine what damage was caused by that tenant. If you can’t identify any damage beyond normal wear and tear, the security deposit can then be returned.

Consider a Professional Property Manager

Property owners and landlords often have several properties that come with endless day-to-day business responsibilities. This is not only time consuming, but can also be very stressful. Besides having to deal with property damage and repairs, landlords also have to worry about finding new tenants, handling rent payments, and responding to tenant questions or complaints. Add all of these responsibilities up and it’s easy for certain important details to slip through the cracks. When it comes to a tenant who damages your rental property, an experienced property manager can handle this on site and follow the proper procedures to get the issue resolved quickly and painlessly.

The Las Vegas property management experts at Black & Cherry understand that having to deal with property damage is an unfortunate responsibility that often falls on landlords and property owners. With Black & Cherry on your side, you can avoid tense situations with tenants or having to spend your own money on repairs. Our team understands we’re representing you while managing your property and strives to provide exceptional customer service. We work with properties of all sizes in the Las Vegas and Henderson areas!