Need a New Years Resolution? Well maybe try to say a little more organized. This article featured below shares tips on how to keep your cabinets organized. Read more…


Organize Your Cabinets in 7 Easy Steps

Who hasn’t been buried under an avalanche of mismatched Tupperware? I know I have! Organizing your cabinets will not only make your kitchen a more efficient workspace, it will make cooking much easier, too. From food and glassware to pots and pans, here are some of my favorite tips for organizing everything in your cabinets.

  1. Purge and De-clutter

Kitchen items tend to accumulate over time: things you hardly use, gifts from friends, mismatched plastic ware, and much more. I’ve found that the trick to keeping things manageable is to purge your kitchen of non-essential items, and to de-clutter every few weeks. Kitchens can be short on space, so make sure to only keep items that you need and will use.

  1. Maximize Space

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Position rods and hooks under shelves and inside cabinets. Make use of blank walls and install storage containers to keep small packets of food and miscellaneous items in. This is a great way to maximize unused space in your kitchen or pantry, and keep smaller items organized.

  1. Keep Things Visible

Keep goods, such as spices or jams and jellies, in clear containers, and label everything accordingly. Open shelving is also one option you can look into, so that everything is visible and easily accessible—and it may inspire you to keep things neater between cleanings!

  1. Group Similar Items Together

It’s easier for me to remember where certain things are when I group like items together, such as spices, oils and vinegars, baking ingredients, cleaning supplies, etc. Designate areas of your kitchen, such as drawers or shelves, to hold items of similar use.

  1. Store Items by Frequency of Use

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Once you’ve segregated your supplies, the next step is to store them by frequency of use. Keep items that are used on a daily basis within reach and in the forefront, like in lower shelves, in drawers or beside the stove.

  1. Use Smart Storage Solutions

Create convenient storage for bulky items by repurposing other things! Use a magazine holder as storage for cutting boards, baking trays and other similar items. It will keep your things better organized, and make your cabinet look great to boot.

  1. Keep Containers and Lids Together

Have you ever tried searching for that one lid to match that one plastic container? Stay on top of this particular dilemma by keeping containers and their matching lids together. This goes for similar items as well, such as pots and their lids. Periodically, I purge my containers and get rid of those that don’t have matching lids. One of my favorite tips is to only buy disposable containers of the same brand for uniformity—and it works!

I hope that these tips will help you keep your kitchen in tip-top shape as they’ve helped with mine. Do you have your own organizational tips to share? Share it with us in the comments below!

Jennifer Lutz is a home décor and design expert who provides home organization tips and home décor advice