This article featured below shares 3 reasons as to why it is hard for Renters to save. Read so maybe you can prevent when renting and actually save money!


3 Reasons Renters Struggle to Save

Most renters dream of owning their own property someday, whether it be to benefit from low mortgage payments or build equity in one of the largest investments one can make in their lifetime. But today’s renters aren’t able to save enough for a 20 percent down payment, for a few key reasons.

To save for a down payment while renting, consider the following reasons many leaseholders struggle financially.

  1. Historically High Rent

Rent is astronomical, especially in large metros on the coast. In general, renters can expect to spend 30 percent of their income on rent. Compared to homeowners, who only spend 15 percent of income on their mortgages, lessees have higher expenses. Median rents are up 4.3 percent year-over-year, so the future doesn’t look good for renters and their budgets. In fact, a recent Zillow study showed that renters are paying so much they skip out on dental care because renting is so widely unaffordable.

  1. No Negotiating

Many renters don’t bother to negotiate because they don’t realize it’s an option. If you’ve been renting from the same management company for a while or paying premium prices, ask your landlord to supply you with a complimentary parking spot, or throw in free WiFi. You’d be surprised at how often property managers are willing to negotiate in order to keep their trustworthy tenants from moving.

  1. Damage Deposits

Security deposits can be withheld for many reasons, but most often, it’s due to damages left inside the rental unit upon vacancy. Make sure to document all damages that are present prior to move-in, and you can avoid being forced to pay for others’ damages. Take pictures when you move in and when you move out, in case your landlord tries to charge you for damages you didn’t create.


If you want to buy in the future, it’s important to do your research and be a savvy renter in the meantime. Make sure to keep up with housing trends and affordability in your area so you can buy when the time is right.