Being a first time renter in the Las Vegas area, it is very easy to confuse and Home Owners Association (HOA) with your current property manager. They are both very much involved in managing the property, and both are working on keeping both the tenants and home owners happy in their neighborhood! IN most cases, they actually work together, but they do function completely different. To be able to tell them apart, you will want to know what their job titles are different. This article could be good information for both a tenant and a home owner in an HOA community! So let’s jump into it! Most people who are first time renters are quick to jump to “What even are home owner associations and what do they have to do with me as a renter?” Neighborhoods, big or small, which are owned by many different owners, more than likely are in an HOA subdivision! These owners may not care for the way their tenant, or the owner is living in the home. This is where the HOA gets involved. They enforce rules and compliance (known as covenants, conditions, and restrictions, or CC&Rs for short) that everyone in that neighborhood need to abide by! The people who work for these organizations also own properties in that community. While members of the home owners association may propose or “vote” on rules for your community, the elected HOA board usually has the finally responsibility for ensuring that rules get kept and other responsibilities get met. When living in an HOA community, you will get violations for things like trash out too long, un-trimmed bushes, broken blinds, ect. When you receive a violation, you have a certain amount of time to comply with the HOA to get it fixed, or it can result in a fine, and even worse, and HOA foreclosure. Those are just a few things that an HOA is responsible for; now let’s jump into what your Property Management Company is responsible for!   Property Managers are technically employed by the home owner who you are renter from! People hire property management companies so they do not have to worry about their home! Here at Black and Cherry Real Estate we manage over ONE THOUSAND properties, and which more than 60% are in HOA communities! We work directly with the HOA to keep all of our properties in compliance with the CC&Rs. The property management company will not only reach out to you with violations, but the HOA as well. They make it very simple when you have to fix, change, or repair anything on your home to keep in compliance! If you are renting within an HOA community, I suggest you request the CC&Rs from your management company, read over ALL rules and regulations to keep your home in compliance, and most importantly, to keep your home from getting a fine! The difference between HOAs and Property Management Companies is, the property management company works for the OWNER of the home, and the HOA company works for the COMMUNITY! They typically work together, but they do have very different jobs. Look into both the home owners association and the property management company before you rent! Happy Reading!