Hey there. How is your September going? Can you believe it more than half over? I sure cannot. If you have put of decorating, like I have you are running out time to deck your house out for fall, not only are you running out of time but if you are anything like me you probably do not have hundreds of dollars to spend on seasonal decorating. Areas you should think about decorating in your home to bring fall to life is, a mantel, coffee table, front porch, and dining table. Start with things you already own; that is the best way to save money when you are budgeting. Do not go to the store and buy a bunch of things because when you come home you might not have enough room for everything or have a place for everything you just bought. Whatever you plan to decorate first, clear it completely off. For instance if you plan to decorate the mantel first, clear everything you have on it off; that includes your family pictures and plants and all the other things you have stored up there, start with a clean slate. Then get all the things you already own and things you want and start placing them on the mantel. You will notice
you truly do not need to buy a whole bunch of new things, maybe just one or two little things from the dollar section at target. Once you have everything out and you know what you actually need/want and you won’t over shop, start at thrift stores and the dollar tree. You would be surprised by how many knick-knacks you find at those stores that are cute, dainty, and just fill the empty spaces in your home. Some great things you can find at the thrift store are old picture frames, candle holders, old books, fake pumpkins, faux leaves and pine cones. When you are shopping around try and use natural elements to tie fall into your Las Vegas home. Keep an eye out for pumpkins, apples, squash, and fall plants like dried flowers, sticks, branches, leaves, acorns, and reclaimed wood. When you are looking around, try and get fake items that can be painted; even a banged up pumpkin with scratched paint can be repainted and put on shelves like it is brand new. While you are shopping around, keep in mind DIY projects you would like to do; thinks like home made painting, or printing your own pictures to put into frames, and something as simple as putting dried flowers into a mason jar will really compliment the oranges and yellows in your home and make it feel more rustic and fall-like. That is just the start of DIY projects you can do to your home in Las Vegas. Any trend that you love, I can almost guarantee there are 50+ DIY hacks you can find online to make it on a budget. So before you go out and spend hundreds of dollars on new decorations get online and look up things you can make right from your house, and decorate with the things you already have.