Do you feel like you are in a rut not only in your life; most people do not even know where to start when it comes too excelling in their life and business. In this blog, I am going to give a couple of tips and tricks on how to stay two steps ahead of your fellow peers. The first thing you are going to want to do is stay positive. Your attitude on your life will always determine how you live it. If you think you are having a bad day, and nothing is going right, that is exactly how your day is going to go, but you think about the positive even when things are not going so great, that’s when things will start to look up in your life. Even if you hit every light on the way to work causing you to be five minutes late, and you think there is nothing good about that; there is. At least you have a job you can go to everyday, and get a pay check; some people do not get that privilege. Finding the positive in the worst situations is something that will already keep you ahead of the negative people out there. Not only is it very important YOU stay positive, it is also important that the people you decide to surround yourself with are also positive. No that does not mean everyone you hang out with has to be little miss sunshine, but keeping people with the same goals and mind state as you, will keep you on the right and positive track. Finding people who like to do the same things as you, even if that is sitting on your couch on a Sunday afternoon, watching movies, and eating a tub of ice cream. Don’t try to force yourself into a friendship you know you do not belong in. Start exercising, yes I did say exercise. When you exercise it release endorphins in your brain that make you feel happiness, and a sense of accomplishment. When you are feeling good about yourself that is what is going to make you want to push hard in every aspect of your life. Even if that means going on a treadmill for 5 minutes a day just to say YOU did and you succeed your daily goals. Some times when your day is just go, go, go you have to take a second to slow down. Don’t be so caught up in a routine that you forget to appreciate the little things in life. Enjoy a conversation or take a step outside to enjoy a fresh breath of air. Trust me when I say there is no greater joy in life than reaching out a helping hand to someone in need. That does not always mean someone who has less than you, but I bet if you try one time a month to pay for the food for the person behind you in line, it will make you feel a whole lot better about yourself, and your life. Do not know be scared to get out there and experience life. Take risks, life will keep going on; keep helping other and please do not ever forget to help yourself.