With triple-digit temperatures well on their way in Las Vegas, Henderson, and many parts of the country, it is time to check on your rental property’s air conditioner and stay on top of yearly HVAC maintenance. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units benefit from regular inspections and tune-ups after being inactive during the mild spring weather.

To keep your tenants comfortable and your HVAC unit working at optimal levels, here are some helpful maintenance tips to remember before summer is in full swing.

Why Regular HVAC Maintenance Is a Must

Staying on top of your HVAC system is crucial for all Henderson and Las Vegas landlords and rental property owners. With how much action the unit will see during the summer, you need to get ahead of any issues to avoid calls from stressed tenants saying the air conditioner is not working.

While seasonal HVAC maintenance might feel like an unnecessary expense to some, it will actually save you money in the long run. Replacing key components, or even the entire unit, can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. You also run the risk of losing quality tenants if they are left without air conditioning during peak summer temperatures.

Additional benefits of routine HVAC maintenance include:

  • Lowering the risk of unit breakdowns
  • Extending the life of your HVAC unit
  • Improving air quality for your tenants
  • Lowering energy bills with a more efficient system
  • Boosting tenant satisfaction and retention

Your Summer HVAC Maintenance Checklist

Get the most out of your scheduled air conditioner tune-up with this comprehensive maintenance checklist!

1. Work with a Qualified HVAC Technician

First, landlords should always find a qualified technician who specifically works with HVAC systems. You want an experienced and trusted professional who will not cut corners or miss subtle signs of a potential problem. They will also have the tools and resources to complete repairs quickly and keep everything on track.

Some qualities to look for in a good HVAC technician are:

  • Proper licensing and certification
  • Positive ratings and reviews
  • Good communication skills
  • Dependability and availability
  • Experience or training in the field
  • Proven troubleshooting skills

2. Look for Refrigerant Leaks

An air conditioner’s refrigerant is the most vital component of any functioning HVAC unit. This chemical compound absorbs heat from the air and replaces it with cool air as it runs through the unit’s compressors and evaporators. If there is a leak somewhere in the system, you could be losing valuable refrigerant and the ability to keep your rental property cool.

Make sure your HVAC tech is thoroughly checking the entire system for leaks that could make the unit less efficient. If there is a leak, have them fix the issue and replace the refrigerant for a more consistent performance.

3. Clean the Condensation Lines

An air conditioner’s condensation line, also called the drain line, is where excess moisture exits the system. The line typically runs from the unit to somewhere outside the home or property, where the water can drip and evaporate.

While it may not always be in use throughout the year, a condensation line works overtime during the hot summer months. Hot air releases humidity, which builds up as the unit absorbs the heat and pushes it through the system. This moisture collects and passes through the condensation line.

Cleaning the condensation line, especially at the entry and exit points, will prevent blockages that could harm the system. Your technician may use a wet vac or other tool to suction out debris or condensation that is backed up in the line. Additionally, make sure to check for leaks in the line that could cause damaging mold and mildew growth.

4. Replace the Fan Belt

HVAC fan belts can quickly wear down and possibly break when an air conditioner is constantly running in the summer. Landlords can avoid this issue by asking their HVAC professional to replace the fan belt—even if it appears to be functioning fine. Starting the summer with a fresh air conditioner belt can help your unit make it through the hottest months without any hiccups.

5. Change the Air Filter

In general, an HVAC air filter should be changed every three months to keep the home’s air quality at its best. As you get the air conditioner checked and tuned up, it is a good time to inspect the air filter and replace it if needed.

Cities like Henderson and Las Vegas can be windy and dusty, leaving air filters covered with a layer of buildup that can trigger allergies and reduce proper airflow. Stay on top of air filter changes, especially before the AC unit is really needed, to prevent air circulation issues for your tenants.

6. Check Air Ducts and Vents

Likewise, have your HVAC tech thoroughly inspect the unit’s air ducts and vents. A buildup of debris may be hindering the flow of cool air into your rental property. Unfortunately, unused air ducts can also develop mold, dust, or even a pest infestation in some cases, which can lead to health concerns if not addressed.

A qualified HVAC professional will have special tools to clear the air ducts of obvious blockages. However, contact your pest control company to deal with rodents, insects, or other pests.

RELATED: Tips for Landlords on How to Deal With Summertime Pests

7. Clear Debris from Around the HVAC Unit

Do not forget to check the HVAC unit’s surroundings for anything that might damage the system. Clear away branches, leaves, and any other debris that could block airflow or make the unit less efficient. You can also spray the unit with water to rinse away dirt and dust that may have accumulated during spring.

8. Run a Test Cycle

If your tenant has not used the air conditioner in a while, it is time to run a test cycle to see if everything is working as it should. The HVAC tech will allow the unit to run while they test the temperature of the air flowing through the vents, the quality of airflow, and how the actual unit is operating. They will use this time to troubleshoot and offer recommendations on how to improve the system’s performance.

Partner With a Trusted Property Management Company

Keeping up with rental property maintenance can be overwhelming when added to the long to-do list landlords already have. This is where a professional Henderson and Las Vegas property management team can help.

At Black & Cherry Real Estate, our Las Vegas and Henderson property managers partner with landlords and property owners to streamline the renting process, including regular maintenance. We have connections with local vendors and technicians to ensure you get the best rates and top-rated service every time. Contact our property management team to learn more about our property management services!